emacs tip of the week #3: ido-switch-buffer

Hopefully you are already using ido or something similar to enhance emacs tab completion. I only use ido-switch-buffer ((ido-mode ‘buffer) in .emacs) as I dislike ido-find-file. What I don’t like is accidentally typing \C-x\C-b for buffer-menu-other-window (or whatever it is) when I meant \C-x b. So I put this in .emacs: (global-set-key “\C-x\C-b” ‘ido-switch-buffer)  

emacs tip of the week #2: elpy

I used to have a very complex .emacs config for python development, then I discovered elpy. It bundles together various python lisp modules cohesively, supports virtual environments, loading “project” files (via elpy-find-file), refactoring, running tests and so on. I’m not even tempted to use PyCharm much any more.  

Tabs, Whitespaces, and Highlighting in Emacs – for the Python Programmer

If you’re a python programmer, you probably know all about the troubles mixing tabs and spaces can cause. I have searched far and wide, and have collected some really useful configurations for setting up the perfect Emacs configuration for Python. What it does: Insert spaces instead of tabs when indenting Sets indent to 4 spaces …

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Use browser forward / back keys to switch emacs buffers and frames

Put the below in your ~/.emacs: ;; make thinkpad browser keys navigate buffers (setq w32-pass-multimedia-buttons-to-system nil) (global-set-key (kbd “”) ‘next-buffer) (global-set-key (kbd “”) ‘previous-buffer) (global-set-key [C-XF86Forward] ‘next-multiframe-window) (global-set-key [C-XF86Back] ‘previous-multiframe-window) On my x220 this allows the browser forward & back keys (above right & left cursor keys) to be used to switch buffer and combined …

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